MondreM.A.N - Laptop (2012, Green Ova Records)

Official video for the track of Zoney’s MC Illin tape release a week or two ago. You can download that right here. Check out the show money.

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  10. lazeelivin reblogged this from diamondsanddecks and added:
    yo ima go hug my laptop for a while
  11. diamondsanddecks reblogged this from smackdahoe and added:
    This song is ACTUALLY pretty stupid indeed. LUH IT
  12. mopwringermagic reblogged this from kurticedout
  13. kurticedout reblogged this from smackdahoe
  14. straightmaxin reblogged this from smackdahoe and added:
    this is like if old kung fu movies were rap videos. lol, MONDRE COLD ILLIN!
  15. smackdahoe posted this