Official cover to Chief Keef’s Back From The Dead tape dropping soon. Hosted by DJ Hustlenomics.

Official cover to Chief Keef’s Back From The Dead tape dropping soon. Hosted by DJ Hustlenomics.

51 notes

  1. ratchetandshank reblogged this from 30onmydick and added:
    “I’m ca-co-co-co coolin’ with my yougin nigga………alotta money…dinero alotta gwuala nigga with some muhfucking guns...
  2. contradictedbeauty reblogged this from sharee-montana
  3. meloveloce reblogged this from yamborghini and added:
    “I’m ca-co-co-co coolin’ with my yougin nigga………alotta money…dinero alotta gwuala nigga with some muhfucking guns nigga”...
  4. 30onmydick reblogged this from smackdahoe
  5. sharee-montana reblogged this from basedgodcomefuckmybitch and added:
    cheif keef cuming
  6. basedgodcomefuckmybitch reblogged this from smackdahoe
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  14. coherentjoe reblogged this from yamborghini
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  18. yamotherskeeper reblogged this from smackdahoe and added:
    Gotta respect his movement.
  19. richbitchmello reblogged this from mopwringermagic
  20. poisencontrol reblogged this from smackdahoe
  21. cheetahprintandhighheels reblogged this from smackdahoe and added:
    I liked the first one better :(
  22. nexxxtbigthing reblogged this from smackdahoe
  23. yayodancing said: Thank God
  24. shoutsout2svtvn reblogged this from mopwringermagic
  25. smackdahoe posted this
  26. mopwringermagic reblogged this from smackdahoe